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Your Calgary Personal Training and Martial Arts Destination.
Personal Training
Custom fitness plans
Natural Spirit International Martial arts
Custom Self Defense Programs

Book a Seminar:
Booking a seminar is simple, lets find a date that works for us all and make it happen!
Booking a seminar is easy! First time I offer a massive discount, you cover all travel expenses,food, and hotel.
Then cost is $50 per person for the first day or $75 for 2 days of training.
This is either one 6 hour day, or 2 days at 6 hours each.
Contact me directly to discuss the details: rodcoulter@gmail.com
All seminars can be personalized to meet your individual needs.
Learn the flow and dynamic style of NSI with no major cash commitment
Rod Coulter
Alberta Director of Training for Natural Spirit International www.nsicoulterdojo.com
Apprentice instructor program is available contact me directly for details.
Alberta Director of Training Rod Coulter will be running a Alberta Regional Seminar July 15 &16 2017. Please spread the word and help fill the room!
Saturday from 12pm to 8pm
Sunday from 9am to 4pm
This seminar will serve as a primer for Trilogy of Steel 2017, be sure to bring your staff's as we will cover the basic forms.
So Mark the Date on your Calendar!
More Details Shortly. Only $99 for 2 full days of training.
This will be a NSI regional seminar, we will cover the fundamental aspects of the system of NSI and Worden Defense.
Contact us today to register and get more details.